Please read and acknowledge(Required)Early Music Princeton (EMP) is an umbrella organization devoted to the exploration of early music for graduate and undergraduate students in all disciplines, as well as staff and faculty members at Princeton University. Members of Early Music Princeton study and perform vocal and instrumental repertoire spanning the centuries from Medieval and Renaissance to High Baroque, with a special focus on historical performance practices. EMP’s ensembles include the EMP Singers, Viol Consort, Chamber Players, and Early Music Unleashed/Electronic Early Music. *** AUDITION REQUIREMENTS *** Vocal Audition: 1. Sing a short song, or part of a song, any style. Be prepared to sing it a cappella 2. Sing one or two vocal exercises to check range and flexibility 3. Sing one or two lines of a simple chant, both alone and with another singer Instrumental Audition: (Audition can be on either a Baroque or modern instrument.) 1. Play a piece of your own choosing that you feel comfortable with (something Baroque is preferable, but anything that shows your general level and musical personality is fine.) 2. Sight-read a short Baroque piece of music (keyboard players MAY be asked to read figured bass) Faculty includes: Wendy Young, Director, Harpsichord Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, Soprano Nancy Wilson, Baroque Violin and Viola Arnie Tanimoto, Viola da gamba, Baroque Cello I have read and understand the information below.Name:(Required) First Last Please indicate if you are:(Required) Faculty/Staff Student Class Year:(Required)Click here to select2027202620252024Graduate StudentPrinceton Email:(Required) Cell Phone:(Required)Princeton Net ID:(Required)PUID Number (if known):Please indicate which audition you are attending:(Required) Instrument Voice Instrumentalists: what instrument/s do you play? Please specify if it is baroque or modern:(Required)Singers: what is your voice type? (i.e., soprano, tenor, etc.) If you are not sure, say I don’t know:(Required)How many years of private lessons?(Required)Repertoire studied/performed:Previous ensemble experience:Awards, masterclasses, summer programs:Are you auditioning for, or a member of, other musical groups on Campus? if so, which?Why do you want to be part of EMP? What would you like to get out of it?Any particular repertoire you would like to play/sing?Please Select A Vocal Audition Time:(Required)Audition is on September 6, from 1:45pm -3:50pm in McAlpin in Woolworth Music BuildingClick to select2:00 PM2:15 PM2:30 PM2:45 PM3:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PM3:45 PMPlease Select An Instrumental Audition Time:(Required)Audition is on September 6, from 1:45pm-3:50pm in Room 25, in Woolworth Music BuildingClick to select1:45 PM2:45 PM