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Tue, Apr 1, 2025
7:00 pm
- 9:30 pm


Free, Unticketed

A Princeton Livestock Exchange Concert will be held on Tuesday, April 1st in the CoLab (Lewis complex), featuring Dan Trueman, Travis Laplante, and Gulli Björnsson with special guests yaz lancaster and gg200bpm.  Livestock Exchange, a long-standing concert series focusing on improvised music, is a semi-regular concert series. It’s our hope that this series will bring some more D.I.Y. style shows at Princeton and be a great time for all.
This concert will feature medium, a death ambient project by non-binary transdisciplinary artists Yaz Lancaster and gg200bpm. We perform longform experimental compositions and improvisations utilizing unique electroacoustic instrumentation: suspended lumber saws, handmade steel instruments, violin, voice(s), synthesizers, keyboards, sample(r)s, DJ controllers, and sequencers. This modular set-up allows us to present work in a wide variety of spaces and aesthetics – from DIY noise shows; to hybrid DJ sets in electronic music/club/radio settings; and concert recital halls and museum galleries. In addition, the sculptural aspect of the saws and other steel instruments  translates well to visually oriented spaces as both an optically and aurally cohesive performance.
More information about the project here.

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