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Free, unticketed
Princeton University graduate student composers present their original compositions.
Details TBA
A lab for Princeton University composers to collaborate with today’s
finest performers and ensembles, Princeton Sound Kitchen is a vital
forum for the creation of new music. Serving the graduate student and
faculty composers of the renowned composition program at the
Department of Music at Princeton University, PSK presents a wide variety
of concerts and events throughout the year.
Keep up to date about Princeton Sound Kitchen events on the
Current Season page of our website princetonsoundkitchen.org
Details TBA
A lab for Princeton University composers to collaborate with today’s
finest performers and ensembles, Princeton Sound Kitchen is a vital
forum for the creation of new music. Serving the graduate student and
faculty composers of the renowned composition program at the
Department of Music at Princeton University, PSK presents a wide variety
of concerts and events throughout the year.
Keep up to date about Princeton Sound Kitchen events on the
Current Season page of our website princetonsoundkitchen.org