Events Calendar

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Lecture and Masterclass: Slavonic plainchant and 17th century early Russian polyphony

Room 106, Woolworth Center Woolworth Center, Princeton

Abstract: The 17th century was the time of the highest flowering of choral musical culture in Russia and Ukraine. This century was also the richest in the variety of musical styles of liturgical music. In the 16th century, based on medieval monody, two types of polyphonic music began to develop: Troestrochie and Demestvo. But almost ...

Introducing Francesco Cavalli’s Veremonda, l’amazzone di Aragona

Forum, Lewis Arts Complex

Schedule 6:00-6:30 PM: Panel discussion- Ottomans, Venetians, and the Politics of Cavalli’s Veremonda Wendy Heller Department of Music Molly Greene Department of History Lawrence Zazzo Countertenor; Newcastle University Gabrielle Hooper G2, Department of Music   6:30-7:30 PM: Concert-An Evening with Veremonda Featuring Lawrence Zazzo, Countertenor With Emma George, Sara Hagenbuch, Jacqueline Horner-Kwaitek, Emma Simmons, Brendan ...

Annual Meeting for the Society of Seventeenth-Century Music

Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall Fine Hall, Princeton

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music (SSCM) will hold its annual meeting this spring at the Princeton University, April 4-7, 2024.  Hosted by the Department of Music, with the support of ...