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    The Department of Music wants to hear about your exciting achievements: awards, recordings, premieres, important performances and projects, fellowships, and other accomplishments. The Music Department shares alumni, student, and faculty news on our website, and social media channels.


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    Funding & Awards

    The University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (UCRHSS) provides small grants to eligible faculty members in the Humanities and Social Sciences to support their research and scholarly work. Grants are made for a great variety of purposes and the Committee tries to make it as easy as possible to apply for support. Among the most frequent purposes are:

    • Travel and cost of living support for research away from home
    • Student research assistants
    • Subvention of publication

    The Center solicits applications for Freshman Seminars and other new undergraduate courses for the following academic year. Any number of critical approaches to the study of religion may be used in the course, and the topic can be defined as a specific tradition or more broadly in terms of the interaction between religion and other aspects of culture. Summer salary is offered. Check link here for specific date.

    Magic Grants are awarded to faculty for new projects that change the way the humanities are conceived or taught. The Magic Project provides innovation grants from 5,000to75,000. Grants are available for proposals that are:

    • first-time projects
    • projects to be carried out starting in academic year 2023-2024
    • projects that are funded solely (or primarily) by the Humanities Council.

    For projects requiring advance preparation, multiple components, or specific timing, funds can be requested for a two- or three-year period.

    The Humanities Council offers funding of up to $25,000 to help pairs or groups of faculty develop a collaborative area of focus which generates new research or teaching in emerging or underrepresented fields in the humanities. We invite initial, exploratory projects designed to identify potential partners and spark collaborations at Princeton or to develop a substantial Princeton component for multi-institutional and international collaborations. These may include reading groups, conferences, workshops, planning meetings, and other gatherings to take place at Princeton.

    The Barr Ferree Publication Fund is to be used in meeting the publication expense of books of merit on architecture and related topics in the fine arts, including but not limited to, sculpture, painting, engraving, music, drawing, landscape design, city planning, and industrial arts. The fund is to be used for manufacturing and publication expenses only.

    The Council on Science and Technology (CST) provides funding for courses and co-curricular activities that support CST’s mission of advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy across Princeton University and beyond through its Annual Call for Proposals.

    The Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs (VPIAO) invites proposals for Global Collaborative Network (GCN) GCN grants are intended to build and sustain international scholarly networks that engage Princeton with international institutions.

    The purpose of the 250th Anniversary Fund for Innovation in Undergraduate Education is to incent and support innovation in undergraduate teaching and learning at Princeton. With the endorsement of their department or program, faculty members may submit proposals for the creation of new courses or the enhancement and redesign of existing courses in any subject at any level.

    These grants support artistically excellent projects that celebrate our creativity and cultural heritage, invite mutual respect for differing beliefs and values, and enrich humanity. For assistance with proposal development and submission, reach out to the Department’s ORPA representative.

    The intent of the Learned Society Fund is to support travel to attend conferences in which the participant is presenting a peer reviewed scholarly work to an open audience of members of the discipline. To be eligible for the Learned Society Fund, an invited participant must be presenting a paper or poster session that is related to a scholarly work of which the participant is the author (or one of).One trip is eligible per fiscal year.

    The Humanities Council provides funds, connections, and logistical support for faculty and research staff who wish to establish or maintain interdisciplinary reading and discussion groups.