Darcy James Argue Jazz: Creative Large Ensemble Director
Christopher Arneson Performance Faculty: Voice
Brian Brown Performance Faculty: Tuba
Geoffrey Burleson Performance Faculty: Piano
Ronald Cappon Performance Faculty: Voice
Eric Cha-Beach Sō Percussion: Ensemble - in - Residence
Ted Chubb Performance Faculty: Jazz Trumpet
Yousun Chung Performance Faculty: Oboe
Matthew D. Clayton Jazz History
Gabriel Crouch Director of Choral Activities
Kevin Deas Performance Faculty: Voice
Mark DeChiazza Edward T. Cone Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Council and Department of Music (Fall 2022)
Vincent Ector Performance Faculty: Percussion - Currently on Leave
Martha Elliott Performance Faculty: Voice
Rochelle K. Ellis Performance Faculty: Voice
Alan Feinberg Performance Faculty: Piano
John Ferrari Performance Faculty: Percussion
Jack Hill Performance Faculty: Double Bass
Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek Performance Faculty: Voice
Jerome Jennings Performance Faculty: Jazz Percussion
Margaret Kampmeier Performance Faculty: Piano
Francine Kay Performance Faculty: Piano
David Kellett Performance Faculty: Voice (Tenor)
Christopher Komer Performance Faculty: French Horn