
Jazz Vocal Collective Concert: Spring in Song
Princeton University Chamber Choir: Music in Memoriam
Ungroomed Renaissance: Josquin’s Missa L’ami Baudichon; Songs and Motets
Composition Colloquium: Cheryl Leonard
Jazz Creative Large Ensemble
Musicology Colloquium: Leah Batstone
PLOrk: Sound System
Thinking Through Musical Sound with Music Faculty Anna Yu Wang

Mar 4, 2024

Music Faculty Anna Yu Wang shares insights into her fall-semester course “Thinking Through Musical Sound” and reflects on how it broadened students’ (and her own) perspectives on music and world-making.

Jazz Festival 2024
Yearning for the Bell
Musicology Colloquium: William Cheng
Early Music Princeton Spring Concert
Certificate Recital: Madeleine LeBeau, Voice
Musicology Colloquium: Emily Frey
Masterclass with Boris Petrushansky
What Actually Happens At An Academic Music Conference?

Feb 1, 2024

Every November, thousands of music theorists and musicologists descend upon the vast ballrooms of America’s metropolitan convention hotels for their annual academic society meeting. This past November, the American Musicological Society (AMS), which celebrates its ninetieth annual meeting in 2024, and Society for Music Theory (SMT) held their joint conference in the Mile-High City of Denver, Colorado.

Pamela Z Meets The Animal Song Collective
From Wind to Wonder! A Princeton Playhouse Ensembles Concert
It takes a village: Projects for Peace winner Carlos Cortez ’24 and the people of Zináparo bring music and soccer to their youth

Jan 23, 2024

It takes a village: Projects for Peace winner Carlos Cortez ’24 and the people of Zináparo bring music and soccer to their youth

Composer Colloquium: Eric Wubbels
Princeton University Orchestra Concerto Concert
Princeton University Orchestra Concerto Concert
Student Perspectives: The Musical Odyssey of Princeton’s Adrian Thananopavarn

Jan 18, 2024

Adrian P. Thananopavarn ’24, Math major with certificates in Computer Science and Music Composition, premieres “March of Dusk” with Princeton University Sinfonia

[RESCHEDULED] Performance, Policy, and Pedagogy: A Conversation About Arts Education