Category: Certificate

Student Perspectives: The Musical Odyssey of Princeton’s Adrian Thananopavarn

Jan 18, 2024

Adrian P. Thananopavarn ’24, Math major with certificates in Computer Science and Music Composition, premieres “March of Dusk” with Princeton University Sinfonia

Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Senior Class Day Award Winners

Aug 4, 2023

Last May, the Department of Music is proud to announce the recipients of the Class of 2023 Senior Class Day awards. Join us in applauding these young musicians on their outstanding accomplishments!

Senior Spotlight: Gideon McFarland ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“I have loved working with African Music Ensemble Director Olivier Tarpaga for my last year here at Princeton. Olivier’s love for music is contagious and I always find myself enjoying the music I get to cook with him. I’m going to miss working with him when I graduate!”

Senior Spotlight: Andrew Kaneb ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“My favorite spot on campus are the Effron Music Building and the Lewis Arts complex in general — so many practice rooms, and so many positive memories of shows I’ve seen there.”Pull-out quote: “My favorite spot on campus are the Effron Music Building and the Lewis Arts complex in general — so many practice rooms, and so many positive memories of shows I’ve seen there.”

Senior Spotlight: Vinny Pagano ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Vinny Pagano, a percussionist from Long Beach, NY, wrote his senior thesis in Mathematics on the unfamiliar territory of the Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture while pursuing Certificates in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Jazz Studies.

Senior Spotlight: Diego Zamalloa-Chion ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Diego Zamalloa-Chion, from Berkeley, CA, is a jazz violinist pursuing Certificates in Jazz Studies, Jazz Violin Performance, and Neuroscience while concentrating in Computer Science.

Senior Spotlight: Aaron Skepasts ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Aaron Skepasts, an electric bass player from Surrey, British Columbia, concentrated in the Computer Science Department while pursuing a Certificate in Jazz Studies. A member of Jazz Ensemble X and …

Senior Spotlight: Allie Mangel ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“I will most miss the communities that I’ve found and forged in Princeton’s music groups. I’m still very close with the friends I made during the PUO tour my freshman year, and after coming back to music ensembles post-lockdown, I’ve made new friends with whom I’ve grown equally close. There are incredible musicians and human beings on this campus, and I feel lucky to have met and performed with so many of them.”

Senior Spotlight: Johanna Linna ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Johanna Linna, from Glendale, CA, took inspiration from Princeton University Concerts’ Live Music Meditation series for her senior thesis in the Neuroscience Department, using pupillometry to investigate the effect of meditation on musical listening.

Senior Spotlight: Henry Wang ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Henry Wang, a Rachmaninoff-fan and melanoma-survivor from Rochester, MN, concentrated in the Computer Science Department while pursuing a Certificate in Piano Performance.

Senior Spotlight: Phillip Taylor ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“Music is just as important to me as my Computer Science major, and thus I intend to continue playing, performing, and composing music in my life beyond Princeton.”

Senior Spotlight: Elijah Shina ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“So many amazing musicians have invited me to play so much amazing music with them. I will miss getting to play with such talented, interesting, and diverse groups.”

Senior Spotlight: Montagu James ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“I’ve always wanted to incorporate music into my history research. My senior thesis and future work look at the relationship between politics and culture, particularly classical music and authoritarianism. Therefore, as I study history in graduate school I hope to continue writing about music.”

Senior Spotlight: Neerav Kumar ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Neerav Kumar, from Rye, NY, was a clarinetist for the Princeton University Orchestra as he studied “Optimizing AAV-Mediated Gene Delivery in the Brain” for his work in the Molecular Biology Department while pursuing Certificates in Music Performance and Neuroscience.

Senior Spotlight: Kevin Williams ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Kevin Williams, a singer from Macungie, PA, explored policy solutions for the mental health effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations in culmination of his concentration in the School of Public and International Affairs while pursuing Certificates in Vocal Performance and Cognitive Science.

Senior Spotlight: Marley Jacobson ’22

Jun 14, 2022

Marley Jacobson, from Huntington, NY, pursued Certificates in Vocal Performance and French Language and Culture while concentrating in the School of Public and International Affairs.

Senior Spotlight: Hannah Bein ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“After Princeton, I will miss the incredible community of musicians who made this campus a home for me.”

Senior Spotlight: Timothy “Tim” Martin Amarell ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“I will miss being a part of such amazing ensembles at Princeton. Being in the company of so many amazing musicians during my time here has enriched my experience greatly. The memories I’ve made with these musicians and friends will last a lifetime.”

Senior Spotlight: Ishani Kulkarni ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“Singing Francis Poulenc’s Figure Humaine with the Chamber Choir was a highlight of my time at Princeton. We started the piece in 2020, but didn’t get to perform it, and then started it again at the beginning of this year. It was extremely challenging to learn, and the rehearsal process was intense and exciting. It was the most rewarding experience to be able to perform it this year with such a wonderful group of people.”

Senior Spotlight: Noel Yu-Jen Peng ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“From my time at Princeton, I’m most proud of how much I’ve grown as a musician here. I truly could not have envisioned myself giving a senior recital, nor traveled where I have with the Glee Club, nor allowed myself to take myself seriously as an artist. It’s truly wonderful to be a part of this passionate and devoted community, and I’m lucky to have found the energy that allowed me to flourish so much.

Senior Spotlight: Ashwin Mahadevan ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“I have deeply enjoyed working with Gabriel Crouch. Since the beginning of my freshman year, he has inspired me to continue pursuing music and to expand my musical horizons. He has singlehandedly fostered my love for choral music and informed my musical tastes. My experience at Princeton would have been wholly unfulfilling without his mentorship.”

Senior Spotlight: Delaney Rose McMahon ’22

Jun 14, 2022

“Donnacha Dennehy has been the most supportive figure for me, both academically and personally. He is so encouraging, and his bubbly enthusiasm for music rubbed off on me right away. And yes, I did accidentally call him ‘dad’ twice to his face.”

Senior Spotlight: Alexandra Lee Rice ’21

Jun 7, 2021

“Before coming to Princeton, I was torn between going to a music conservatory and pursuing an academic degree. The music certificate program at Princeton, however, has enabled me to pursue both of my passions, and it has given me the freedom to teach or to pursue further education in music in the future, should I wish to do so.”

Senior Spotlight: TJ Li ’21

Jun 7, 2021

“We sang Franz Biebl’s setting of ‘Ave Maria’ once to ourselves, with no audience … That moment is still special to me because it encapsulates a lot of what I’ve cherished most about my time at Princeton – making music with other singers just for the joy of making music together.”